Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello to everyone back home!

Hiiiii! Miss you all a great deal. Especially all my friends, from Auxillium as well as from Sinhgad. Its six months here in US and now quite acquainted to the culture here, though far away from understanding it! The moment one lands in a new place, the hidden devil of comparison shoots up. You start comparing things to your own country. I feel its natural. But it certainly has given a lot of exposure to all of us here, and made us aware of many harsh realities about ourselves. Its excellent to realize things on own, without someone telling you that you are wrong. Because thats the best way to improve yourself. I am happy that is exactly whats happening to us.

I am in ocean of knowledge and enjoying every bit of it. But I feel many students are here just for the sake of the degree without any real interest. But everyone has own goals, so its not wrong. Nothings wrong in world. Everything is relative!

The weather here is terrible, -10 degree celcius as I write this. We all are just waiting for the winter to fade away. Waiting for the summer eagerly. Really bored of these clouds now. Snow is beautiful till you get sick of it. I guess its human nature to like things which are rare, and when you get them in plenty, you hate them.