Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chasing your dreams

Life is ever changing. You make all the plans you want, but there will always be loopholes in them that life exploits. There are so many possible situations that you can't possibly plan each case to perfection. And this is where the unpredictability of life comes in. Well, if everything was predictable life would be boring.

Having said that, one can't really be too excited when plans go wrong- especially when they relate to your ambitions. Until recently I used to think (quite illogically) that people never get something when they get too excited about it. To put it in other words, things which they crave for the most are quite unreachable. But giving it more thought, it seems that people remember only those things which they wanted badly and didn't achieve it. There are so many rejections which we get in daily life and we hardly remember most of them. Why? Because we were not very excited about them in first place!

It pretty much is a challenge to chase our ambitions. How many people do we know who are actually pursuing what they really want to do? How many people do we hear daily telling us "Oh I actually wanted to be X, but now I got into Y. Life is all about compromises."

There is no universe conspiring for or against you. Its just you and the infinite situations that can happen with you. Some plans will work, others wont. One can't plan for all possible cases. And it is these very loopholes, which we call problems that we fall into and give up. Then we compromise and accept whatever comes our way.

Life is not a compromise, its just a measure of how far we are willing to go to achieve what we really want from it.

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