Sunday, February 27, 2011

Explaining colors to the blind

I come across this apparently absurd phrase often. The first time I heard about this was during my undergraduate days at Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune. Well, there was this funny "Mr. and Mrs. Sinhgad" competition where the judges asked questions to the contenders in one of the rounds. And one of the questions which was asked to a guy was "how will you describe a rainbow to a blind person?" . The question immediately appealed to me and I lost myself into thoughts. I thought of the obvious answers- about describing the colors by relating to nature, but could not find a satisfactory answer. Today I joined Twitter(out of boredom) and accidentally came across page of Kate Moss. She had tweeted "Trying to explain why I love you is like explaining colors to a blind person." Immediately I lost myself into thoughts, just like before.

What if the person is blind since birth? Imagine you have never seen colors- ever. Forget colors, you haven't seen anything. Is it possible to make a imagery so strong that you can draw colorful paintings in a blind person's brain by just making him hear the words? Probably not. But here is my attempt to do so, just for silencing this old thought at the back of my mind:

Red- The boldest and hottest of all. You feel it when you stand under the scorching sun. You feel it when you are with your love. You feel it when your hand feels the beat of your heart. You feel it when you are tensed.

Blue- The coolest of all. You feel it with the breeze and when you breathe. You feel it when you dip your hands in the cold river and wash your face with it. You feel it when you drink water. The color which refreshes you and makes you feel alive.

Green- The most soothing one. You feel it when you smell grass or perhaps flowers. You feel it when you run your hands through the velvet like farms. It is the color which calms your nerves and which makes you serene. Contradictory to Red, this one takes the pressure off.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The street

I remember(if I’m right)
men walked on that street
with head held high
And others-equally righteous,
used to nod and walk without fright

I remember once in awhile
the devils were disdained,
and treated befitting
And those who shammed morality
were put in the same pile

What change the “judiciary” brought
and took away that pride?
The honest disdained,
and the devils hailed
What unfair balance sought?

On the same street now
devils walk with pride
with a smile shunning the righteous
And the "guardian" devils eager
just to take a bow!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A conversation...

“How’s it going?”
“Let’s say I’m still alive. Ha!”
“You and your weird stunts… will you ever change?”
“I don’t think you can change a man’s persona, can you?”
“Err. True that.”
“You tell me, rules keeping you sane and normal?”
“Don’t grin like that you dog. I can read your sarcasm.”
“Ha! C’mon, can’t I ask a normal question now?”
“You will never change. By the way, I am good.”
“Good good.”
-A pause-
“So, how is your latest movie coming along? Hope it’s not as action packed as your last one. I mean you could have died! Oh wait, I know… we have to die someday blah!”
“Well said. Ha!”
“Man, don’t you worry about your family?”
“Well if I didn’t worry about them, I wouldn’t have done that stunt scene in last movie.”
“Wait, what do you mean?”
“Forget it.”
“Why? I thought we were...”
“…friends. Huh. You have to know everything don’t you.”
“Hm. They offered a large sum for that scene. Don’t get mad now. Your face looks like a tomato!”
“You are the biggest ass I’ve known. Why didn’t you ask me if you needed money?”
“What’s the fun in that?”
“You are a jerk. You will risk your family for your own whims and fancies?”
“I like to keep my head up high.”
“So you feel if you ask me for money, your pride will be hurt?”
“C’mon! I thought you know me well!”
“I know. It’s just hard to fathom that you don’t want to cheat with what life has in store for you.”
“You got it right there bud. The real fun in life is to fight it out.”
“I like to be rather…”
“I know…safe and protected. What’s the fun in that?”
“Well, not everything in life is for fun…”
“Oh really? Then what is life for?”
“Don’t even get there. Those conversations are like a circle. You can go on and on and never reach the end, but you will find yourself where you started soon.”
“Doesn’t that happen with all conversations with no solid base of reasoning?”
“Perhaps. But the problem here is that we don’t really know anything. So we try to argue on our beliefs…”
“And beliefs we know, are ambiguous. “
“Right. So we don’t really know what is a fact is and what’s not.”
“Well. For me, I like to face the challenges of life without taking help. Because I feel I am meant to solve them myself. “
“That’s a bit too…”
“I know.”
-A pause-
“Well, I’ve been thinking. “
“Wow! You are?”
“Okay go on.”
“I’ve been thinking whether I should propose Tanya.”
“Marriage. You already know my take on it.”
“I know. But unlike you, I don’t find it to be a chaos. My mind is not as disturbed as a crazy stuntman!”
“Hey! I’m not disturbed! Just look around and tell me how many…”
“Couples are happy and shit.”
“You are smart.”
“Don’t grin like that dog.”
“I wonder why even we are friends. You are one weird stuntman. I’m just…”
“A normal boring guy? I know it’s difficult for me.”
“You ass.”
“Well, I guess understanding is much more important in friendship than agreeing on same things.”
“Finally ! I agree with you on something!”